Welcome to the Scott County Chamber of Commerce, located in Scottsburg, Indiana. Committed to education, connection, prosperity & growth, The Scott County Chamber is here to promote and support our members. We are proud of our businesses, proud of our community, and proud to serve you.















Scott County is where families and business owners live, work, and play and the Chamber recognizes that our members and the needs go way farther than needing that standard resources for business loans, insurance, and networking opportunities – YOUR CHAMBER – THE SCOTT COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is a COMMUNITY where your business is our business.

How do you make a successful business? EASY. You need passion, support, resources, goals and a network of people that will support you. With the Scott County Chamber of Commerce you will find all these things…and the only thing we are missing is YOU! 


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Stop, collaborate, & listen!

While young people might not understand our Vanilla Ice reference, we are certain that they will want to be apart of this year's Youth Leadership Summit - which takes place on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at Indiana University Southeast from 8:15 - 2:30!

This event is open to any public, private, or homeschooled 11th or 12th grade student in Clark, Crawford, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, and Washington counties in Southern Indiana.

While attending, students will have the opportunity to meet other youth in our region while developing leadership skills. Students will also learn about financial literacy, go through an Enneagram personality exercise, and meet potential employers during a seven-county career fair. The cost is $20/person, but a limited number of scholarship are available for students.

Register Here:
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Congratulations ❤️

Congratulations ❤️Congratulations to Paula Kern - Indiana State CASA Staff Member of the Year for 2024!

"Many of the Family Case Managers (DCS) request Paula to be the CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) assigned to their cases as they know she will have the best communication with everyone involved, including the FCM, foster parents and service providers. She makes time for the children no matter what time of day it is. If they are having a bad day and call her, she is there to talk with them." - Kelly Cull Shelhamer, Executive Directory, CASA of Scott County, Inc.
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We cannot thank the Circuit Court of Scott County, Indiana, Scott County Prosecutor's Office, Scott County Community Corrections, and Scott County Indiana Sheriff's Office enough for their support of recovery programs in the community.

Today, the following has been declared:

Whereas, every day, millions of Americans prove that recovery from substance use disorders is possible – yet at the same time, many more are struggling with the disease. Substance use disorders affect all communities nationwide, but with commitment and support, people with these disorders can achieve healthy lifestyles and lead rewarding lives in recovery; by seeking help, people who experience substance use disorders can embark on a new path toward improved health and overall wellness; the focus of National Recovery Month this September is to celebrate their journey; Recovery Month spreads the message that prevention works, treatment is effective and people recover; and

Whereas, the term substance use disorder is a disease of the brain, and many misconceptions surrounding it have contributed to harmful stigmas that can prevent individuals from seeking the treatment they need. By treating substance use disorders as seriously as other medical conditions, with an emphasis on prevention, harm reduction, and treatment, people can recover; and
Whereas, in Scott County, Indiana the impact of substance use disorders is apparent in our local community;

Whereas, the Recovery Month observance continues to work to improve the lives of those affected by substance use disorders by raising awareness of this disease and educating communities about the prevention, treatment, and recovery resources that are available; for the above reasons, we Judges of Scott County, ask the citizens of Scott County to join us in celebrating and promoting this September as National Recovery Month.

Now, therefore, we the Judges of Scott County, do hereby proclaim the month of September as: Recovery Month in Scott County, Indiana.

To those in recovery, we support and celebrate you. Drop your dates. This month is for you!

For those still struggling, we hold space for you. There is help. There is hope.

#recovery #recoveryispossible #support
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Now is the time to take your business, whether established or new, to the next level. Get involved in your community, share your talents with other businesses and utilize the networking and services the Scott County Chamber of Commerce can provide.



  • BizCamp
  • Maverick Challenge
  • Chamber Golf Scramble
  • Annual Chamber Dinner
  • Coffee with the Chamber
  • Ribbon Cutting
  • Ambassador Luncheons
  • Insurance


Submit your event information and get it included on the Scott County Chamber of Commerce Community Calendar. If you aren’t a member, submit the event and contact to find out how to get your event added.