What is a Stone Vision Oracle Reading? Like a deck of Oracle cards, the crystals…

What is a Stone Vision Oracle Reading? Like a deck of Oracle cards, the crystals, minerals, and metals hold messages based on their color, shape, and wellness properties. The Stone Vision Oracle is a set of 27 curated stones used to channel guidance. You won't get yes or no answers. You will get things to think about and questions to consider in regard to your current situation, or a particular time period. I post a daily message from the Oracle in Wellness-The Community and offer yearly, monthly or situational readings.

How does it work? You can order online and receive your reading via email within 48 hours, or you can contact me to schedule a live reading. You will receive a visual representation of the reading. In the first case, your reading will be written. A live reading will come with a visual representation of the stones and a video link to our recorded Zoom conversation. Online orders are $10, live readings are $30 and typically last 15 to 30 minutes.

What does a “visual representation” look like? I have attached the February reading for Wellness-the Community so you can see.

You can still order your February reading! Order here: https://www.judydeal.com/…/stone-vision-oracle-monthly-…/333

What is a Stone Vision Oracle Reading? Like a deck of Oracle cards, the crystals…

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