Twenty-three years ago, the Wolf family established one of the very first funds …

Scott County Chamber of Commerce

Twenty-three years ago, the Wolf family established one of the very first funds at the Community Foundation. “We believed strongly in the Community Foundation process and wanted to help get our foundation established,” said Becky Wolf on why she and her husband Joe decided to establish a donor-advised fund. Becky was a founding board member for the Foundation, having served from 1997 until 2006. Joe served on the Board from 2008-2012.

In 1997, the Wolf family owned and operated Scottsburg Plastics, and so with employee input, the Scottsburg Plastics Charitable Fund was able to make grants to numerous organizations over the years. When the business ended, they renamed the fund as the Wolf Family Charitable Fund and continued their giving. “Now that Joe is no longer working, it gives us a source of revenue to continue supporting the charities of our choice,” said Becky.

Joe and Becky currently help several charities that are important to them, and they have taken their philanthropy to the next generations. Their children and spouses, Joe and Tammy Wolf, and Rick and Shannon King, along with the grandchildren, are now involved in the decision-making for which charities should receive grants each year. This is a wonderful way for the family legacy to live on and to teach the entire family the importance of giving back!

“We have a certain dollar amount that the King family decides where the donation will go annually,” shared Shannon. “Rick and I with the help of our kids, Tim and wife Kylie, Zach and fiancé Felicity and Sonya get together and talk about where we would like the money to go. We have several great causes that we discuss and then we vote and the top two get the money. Several times we have included a letter from our family as to why that organization was chosen. We are blessed with all of the great organizations in Scott County.”

“We are thankful to Joe’s parents, Joe and Becky Wolf, for creating the Wolf Family Fund and giving us the opportunity to be a part of it,” said Tammy. “We always include the kids when making donation decisions. We have enjoyed teaching them about the spirit of giving and the importance of helping those in need. We’re thrilled that our kids have become members of the Scott County YGC! It’s a great way for them to learn more about philanthropy. The Wolf Family Fund will enable us to continue giving back to the community for years to come.”

Since being established, over $72,000 has been awarded to numerous organizations, including: Big Brothers Big Sisters, CASA of Scott County, Cradle Pregnancy Resource Center, Humane Society of Scott County, New Hope Services, Scott County Heritage Center and Museum, Scott County Family YMCA, Scottsburg Band Parents Association, United Way of Scott County, Wonder Valley Christian Camp, and much more. #FundFriday #LookingForwardGivingBack #loveforcommunity #makingadifference

Twenty-three years ago, the Wolf family established one of the very first funds …

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