Groundbreaking Ceremony Held 
 for New Austin Elementary School
  The Scott Coun…

Scott County Chamber of Commerce

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held
for New Austin Elementary School
The Scott County School District 1 Superintendent Trevor Jones organized a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, May 13, the mark the start of the school district's newest project to build a brand new elementary school for most of its elementary students.
Officials from SCSD1 including students, teachers, board members, were on hand to dig up the first shovels of dirt to start off the traditional ceremony, as the community is looking forward to a modern and up-to-date facility for the students and teachers.
Renovations will be made to the kindergarten wing built in the late 1989 and the elementary cafeteria and kitchen. Additionally, Rigel Gymnasium will get those new bleachers and windows as well as some other changes. Also at the high school/middle school complex, the swimming pool area will now become a gymnasium.

Groundbreaking Ceremony Held
for New Austin Elementary School
The Scott Coun…

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