Do you know how you rate? Your credit score impacts loan rates, so get informed…

Do you know how you rate? Your credit score impacts loan rates, so get informed. ? For questions about your policy, or if you’d like find out more about protecting what’s important to you or your family, give our office a call at 812-752-7523 if you’d like to start the conversation. — #bobwardstatefarminsurance #bobwardinsurance #statefarminsurance #insurance #autoinsurance #homeinsurace #rentersinsurance #scottsburg #scottsburgindiana #scottcounty #scottcountyindiana #likeagoodneighbor

Do you know how you rate? Your credit score impacts loan rates, so get informed…
May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text that says 'Bob: Simple Insights From Why Your Credit Score is an Important Number SSOLD'

Do you know how you rate? Your credit score impacts loan rates, so get informed…

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