Dear Citizens,
 As we have previously announced earlier this year, The Scottsbur…

Dear Citizens,

As we have previously announced earlier this year, The Scottsburg Redevelopment Commission and the City of Scottsburg reclaimed ownership of 64 & 80 S. Main Street. This location was home to the beloved restaurant, Jeeves and Company, and has endured many hardships over the years as entrepreneurs have struggled to bring an anchor restaurant back to our Downtown Square.

We are entertaining multiple inquiries regarding the properties and have appraisals pending. To date, the citizens have roughly a $425,000 investment in this piece of our Downtown. It is the City’s position to return that property to an eclectic restaurant, making it the anchor our Downtown needs and a display of our unique Scottsburg Pride.

As the Mayor, it is my responsibility to vet all inquiries and bring those entities before the City Council. It is their duty to make the decision regarding the sale of any asset/s over $40,000.00. On Monday evening, City Council will be hearing the first of multiple inquiries regarding the future of these historic buildings.

I am inviting all concerned citizens to watch the City Council meeting as it will be live-streamed on the City of Scottsburg Facebook Page. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about how your local government operates and to voice your opinion regarding the future of our Downtown. Please join us on Facebook at 6:30pm on Monday, December 14, 2020.


Mayor Terry Amick

Dear Citizens,
As we have previously announced earlier this year, The Scottsbur…

#Dear #Citizens #previously #announced #earlier #year #Scottsbur