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Scott County Chamber of Commerce

?‍? //////// ?‍? ATTENTION PARENTS ?‍? \\\\\\\\ ?‍?

Due to the crazy year 2020 has been the Scottsburg Fire Department had to get creative when it came to fire prevention. This year we will be doing a Flat Sparky program for kids. We are asking kids to print, color, and post their flat Sparky to our Facebook page during Fire Prevention Week Oct. 4- 10.
Take Sparky with you on your daily adventures and snap some photos. The most creative post will be chosen at the end of the week and the winner will receive lunch with firefighters and some SFD swag. So parents please share with your children and help them get involved.
Link to Sparky – https://www.nfpa.org/…/FPW/Educate/2020/FPW20FlatSparky.ashx

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